Hope you all had a lovely Easter. We went to our caravan in Findhorn for the school hols. Usually Findhorn has it's own little micro climate and generally the sun always shines, however, it was not to be! Last Tuesday we decided to come home as the weather was taking a turn for the worst, so we packed up and headed off. We got as far as Elgin when the road signs told us that the A96 was closed due to snow! Snow? At Easter? What is it with this country? So we headed back to ride it out. We watched endless DVD's while outside it was horizontal sleet! Also spent a fortune entertaining the girls, bowling, ice skating, play barns etc. Think it might have been cheaper to go abroad to the sun!
The second week was better and DH came to join us. Lots of long walks on the beach collecting shells and building sand castles. Went to a spring fair where the girls got to see baby lambs and rabbit and of course have their faces painted!

Not done any crafting for ages, going to try to make a bit more time for myself, that is after I have tided the garden. Oh and we have finally finished the playroom. All the furniture arrived at the weekend so we were busy at it building and tidying. What do you think? And how long do you think it will stay tidy?!